Double members in ranking list

Erstellt von Helga Becker, Geändert am Mi, 19 Jun um 11:46 VORMITTAGS von Helga Becker

If you have duplicate members in your ranking list, this is usually because you have also entered the member twice in your database.
This can be rectified in just a few steps.

Please note:
Please do not delete the duplicate member from your database until you have corrected the ranking list

Select "Event" > "Ranking list" in the menu and select the desired tournament series in the filter on the right.

Now enter the name of the participant who is listed twice in your ranking list in the search bar.
You can now see in which tournaments your participant has played with a ranking.

Now you must enter these events to see which member your player is connected to.

Now simply click on one of the events and select the "Participants" tab

Now click on the pencil icon to the right of the participant

Here you will now find the participant's connection to your member database.
You can change this simply by selecting the correct member.

Please save the changes you have made.

Now you have to delete the corresponding tournament from the ranking list and add it again so that the ranking list can be updated.
To do this, please select the "Ranking" tab in the tournament, press the "Delete from ranking list" button and then the "Transfer data to ranking list" button.

Now your ranking list is correct and you can delete the duplicate member from your database.

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